Money Exchange Module

Money Manage is a sophisticated client-server windows based multi user system for tracking daily currency exchange transactions at the money changer counter. Some of the key features includes Customer Management including management of walk-in customer, local money changer, corporate customer & foreign money changers and to capture the NRIC or passport and address details of the customers. It also allow performing customer due diligence and anti-money laundering (AML) for above 5000 S$ transactions though integrated Bankers Accuity AML & PEP database in real-time. It also provides various management and daily reports generation functions including the reporting standards specified by Monitory of Singapore Authority (MAS) such as above 5000 S$ reports with details and Profit and loss statements for the accounting period. An integrated accounting module provides comprehensive management of expenses & other income (other than exchange profit) which make the profit & loss statement List of Modules : Security – User authentication and authorization Configuration Management – Management of system settings Customer Management – Management of customer details Currency Management – Management of currencies (including rate & range setup) Transaction Management – Below 5000 & above 5000 transactions Accounting Module – for manage daily/monthly expenses and other income Reports – Daily Reports, Management Reports and MAS Reports (including AML reports)